Saturday 1 December 2012

C9: Vocabulary

Chapter 9: Doctor Jekyll's confession

Vocabulary list:

  • Unashamedly: not embarrassed about your behaviour or attitude, even if other people might not approve it. [descaradament, sense vergonya]
  • Tremble: a part of the body that shakes because you're nervous or upset. [tremolar]
  • Bitter: that has a strong sharp taste, not sweet. [amarg]
  • Dull: boring, not interesting. [avorrit]
  • Delight: a feeling or great happiness and pleasure. [plaer]
  • Masterful: skilled at controlling people and situations. [imperiós, autoritari, dominant]
  • Wound (p.s. of 'wind'): a serious injury. [ferir]
  • Wintry: cold and typical of winter. [hivernal]
  • Onwards: if something happens or exists from a particular time onwards, it starts at that time and continues to happen or exist. [a partir d'ara]

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