Saturday 1 December 2012

C7: Vocabulary

Chapter 7: The last night

Vocabulary list:

  • Shut: to close something. [tancar]
  • Fetch: to go and search something. [buscar]
  • Lit (p.s. of 'light'): to make a place brighter by giving it light. [il·luminar]
  • Axe: a heavy stick with a sharp piece of metal on the end; used for cutting trees. [destral]
  • Weep: to cry because you feel unhappy or have some other strong emotion. [plorar]
  • Tore (p.s of 'tear'): to damage something. E.g. from the book: It tore my heart. [trencar, estripar. Ex. del llibre: Em va trencar el cor]
  • Inwards: towards the inside of something. [cap endins]
  • Saucer: a small round flat dish where you put a tea or a coffee cup. [sotacopa]

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