Wednesday 14 November 2012


The characters

  • Mr Uttersonhe works as a lawyer. He’s a quiet, serious man. He’s afraid of strangers and of showing his feelings, but he’s always ready to help the others. He doesn't allow himself many enjoyable things in life.
  • Richard Enfield: he's Mr Utterson's best friend. Unlike Mr Utterson, Enfield is a fun-loving man, and as it is said in his description: "a man about town". He's different from Utterson, but they enjoy spending time together and having long walks.
  • Dr Lanyon: Mr Utterson's old friend. He's also friends with Dr Jekyll, or at least they used to be friends, as now they don't talk too much because of some scientific differences.
  • Dr Jekyll: Mr Utterson's friend. He's a tall, well-made man of fifty with a smooth, kindly face. He protects and takes care of the mysterious Mr Hyde.
  • Mr Hyde: he's Dr Jekyll's other half, literally.
  • Sir Danvers Carew: a man killed by Mr Hyde. Mr Utterson went to the crime scene, where he discovered that Carew was killed with a stick that he had given as a present to Dr Jekyll.
  • Mr Guest: Mr Utterson's chief clerk. He likes the study of handwriting. He finds out that the handwriting of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde's letters are strangely similar.
  • Poole: Dr Jekyll's servant. He helps Mr Utterson to find out Dr Jekyll's double personality.

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